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Thermostat Installation Service in Gilbert AZ

What Should I Set My AC To In Arizona

Arizona is known for its scorching summers and mild winters, but what temperatures should residents set their air conditioners to remain comfortable without wasting energy? This article will provide an overview of the recommended settings for air conditioning during different times of year in Arizona.

The summer months bring hot temperatures that can easily reach into triple digits. When looking at how to best cool a home while saving money on electricity bills, understanding when and how long to keep an air conditioner running is key. 

Finally, this article will explain why certain temperatures are more efficient than others in order to maintain comfort levels inside homes in Arizona. By taking all these factors into consideration, homeowners can make informed decisions on how they want to manage their AC units throughout the year.

What To Look For When Choosing An Air Conditioning Company In Arizona

Climate And Temperatures In Arizona

Arizona is known for its hot, dry climate and intense summer heat. The state experiences an average of 300 days a year with sunshine, making it the sunniest state in the United States. 

Temperatures during the summer months can reach levels higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit throughout much of the state. In some parts of southern Arizona, temperatures may exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit. During these times of extreme heat, air conditioning becomes essential to remain comfortable indoors.

In winter, temperatures tend to be milder throughout most areas of Arizona but vary significantly between day and night due to desert winds that blow through the area. Average overnight lows are usually around 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit while highs often reach 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit in many places. 

Even on cold nights, extra blankets or layers should be sufficient to keep warm indoors without needing additional heating resources.

High Temperature Considerations

In Arizona, the hot and dry climate can cause temperatures to rise above 100°F during summer months. When setting an air conditioner in such a hot and arid environment it is important to consider both comfort levels as well as energy efficiency. 

During peak heat times, a temperature of 78°F is typically recommended to achieve optimal cooling while using less electricity compared to lower settings. However, depending on preference, some individuals may choose even higher or lower thermostat settings without compromising performance too significantly. 

Additionally, utilizing ceiling fans in conjunction with the air conditioning system can help maintain cool conditions inside the home by circulating cooler air throughout areas where people are present. This can be beneficial because it reduces strain on the AC unit itself and potentially lowers power consumption over extended use.

Low Temperature Considerations

When setting the air conditioning in Arizona, it is important to take into consideration the low temperatures that are common during the night. Temperatures can drop significantly at nighttime and this should be accounted for when deciding what temperature to set your AC unit. 

In order to prevent discomfort from excessively cold temperatures, a lower than average setting should be considered. This could mean setting your thermostat between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit depending on personal preference. 

It is also advisable to use a programmable or smart thermostat as these allow you to adjust settings according to season and daily activities. For example, a cooler temperature may need to be set overnight while warmer during the day when occupants are present in the home.

Using fans along with an appropriate temperature setting can help ensure that rooms remain comfortable without overworking the AC unit or spending more money on energy costs than necessary. 

Fans offer additional airflow which allows warm air near windows or doorways to move out of enclosed spaces, allowing cool air inside instead. Additionally, keeping blinds closed on hot days can keep sunlight from entering buildings and further heating them up.

The Impact Of Extreme Weather Conditions On Mesa Ac Performance

Humidity Factors

In Arizona, humidity levels vary significantly depending on the time of year and geographical location. The summer months tend to be more humid than other times of the year due to increased evaporation from rivers and oceans, as well as increased moisture in the air caused by cooling during night-time hours. 

During these periods, it is important to set your air conditioner at a lower temperature setting while still allowing for an adequate level of comfort. This will help reduce energy costs and maintain indoor humidity levels within acceptable ranges. Additionally, some people may find that using a dehumidifier can also help keep humidity levels down without having to sacrifice their level of comfort. 

However, if too much humidity is present in the home then installing exhaust fans or increasing ventilation can help reduce excess moisture. Ultimately, individuals should aim to achieve an optimal balance between comfort and energy efficiency when setting their air conditioning unit’s temperature settings in Arizona.

Energy Efficiency Tips

In Arizona, setting the air conditioning to 78 degrees Fahrenheit is a cost-effective and energy efficient option. This temperature will provide adequate cooling without straining the unit or using excessive electricity. Additionally, it is important to use programmable thermostats in order to better control temperatures throughout the day. 

Setting the thermostat higher at night during sleeping hours can save energy while maintaining comfort levels. Furthermore, it is beneficial to clean and maintain filters regularly as this ensures that your system runs more efficiently and keeps your home cooler by removing dust particles from entering into the house. 

Lastly, utilizing ceiling fans in combination with an AC unit can help reduce strain on the system resulting in lower energy costs. Utilizing natural ventilation when possible also helps keep homes cool while reducing reliance on mechanical systems.

Seasonal Adjustments

In Arizona, the weather is typically hot and dry during the summer months. As such, air conditioning should be set to a temperature lower than usual in order to keep occupants of the house comfortable. The ideal setting for air conditioners in this region is usually between 70-76 degrees Fahrenheit (21-24°C). 

During winter months, temperatures may drop significantly and so it is important to adjust the settings accordingly. It is recommended that cooler indoor temperatures are maintained in order to prevent any potential health risks associated with cold temperatures. 

Additionally, using a thermostat can help reduce energy use by automatically adjusting heating or cooling based on outdoor temperatures. Properly maintaining an AC unit will not only ensure comfort but also save costs as well as contribute towards environmental protection.

AC repair Phoenix

Maintenance And Repairs

The seasonal adjustments to an air conditioner in Arizona are only one element of the overall care and maintenance required. To ensure the system runs smoothly, it is important to pay attention to AC maintenance Tempe needs throughout its lifetime. 

Regularly cleaning and replacing filters should be done at least every three months during peak use times while checking for any wear and tear on parts such as condenser coils or evaporator fans can help identify potential problems before they become serious issues. Repairing any damage quickly also helps reduce energy consumption by preventing further strain on the system. 

Additionally, regular inspections of ductwork and seals will minimize leakage that could lead to higher bills due to wasted electricity. All these steps combined with a comprehensive servicing plan can help extend the life of an air conditioning unit in Arizona and provide peace of mind regarding performance quality.



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